Today, March 8th, marks International Women’s Day, a global holiday with roots in the women’s rights movement, that is now widely known as a day to celebrate womanhood. In January we started the ShePacks blog series to highlight inspirational women in packaging and discuss the importance of diversity in our industry. In today’s blog post, we turn the tables to celebrate the women who inspire our BW Packaging team members every day. Celebrate International Women’s Day with us by learning about the women who inspire us and by showing your appreciation to the women in your life.
Anna (Bryson) Coulter
“My sister, Anna (Bryson) Coulter is my utmost inspiration. She inspires me every day when she demonstrates inclusion (as she opens her home to my family for every occasion or answers every phone call!), kindness, inquisitiveness (as she helps me dig deep into life's most challenging situations), unwavering support (as only a sister can give), and silliness (she makes me laugh every time we talk). Her lifetime friendships and self-reflection journey encourage me to be the best version of myself: to think of situations from many angles and perspectives and to strive to connect with people in my life in a meaningful and intentional way. Anna Coulter is the most inspiring woman in my life.” – Michelle Bryson
Audrey Lombardo

“No person inspires me more than Audrey. For 14 years, she has helped me to grow as a person and has been the constant force guiding me through a life that is more fulfilling than anything I could have dreamed up in my younger years. She is full of admirable traits like her propensity for just doing what has to be done and her fierce loyalty to the people she loves. Audrey inspires me to work hard for what I believe in but also encourages me to give myself grace. On top of it all, Audrey makes everyday fun for our kids. Our family would be lost without her.” – Taz Lombardo
Clara Campoamor

“She fought for women's rights. Promoter of women's suffrage in Spain. Thanks to her, women were able to vote for the first time in 1933. She worked to ensure that there was no discrimination between the sexes.” -- Patricia Martínez Vitores
“I think men and women must fight for their rights and this woman got many important things in a man’s world where women couldn’t open an account in the bank without their husband’s permission. Thanks to her, women could vote in year 1933 for the first time. So long ago and we are still trying to get equality. When I think something is not possible, I think about Clara and other women like her, and everything is possible. If they could, I can.” -- Rosana Alonso
Deneen Bentley
“If and when I am having a bad day, she is the woman that will lift me up and say encouraging words to remind me to keep going. For over the years I have watched her handle a lot of stress and less stress with a very good spirit. In my opinion some people are placed in your life to give you hope to continue on for a better tomorrow and she is definitely that one person! Deneen may be a woman that is looked over to some, but she is a woman that knows how to handle a storm.” -- Roobina Hunter
Dominique Sachse

“Dominique is a content creator I started following many years ago. She is a retired journalist from Houston who is not only smart and beautiful, but honest and has such a caring nature. She is a woman of faith who presses into her faith daily and radiates positivity all around her. Like many of us, she has had to overcome some struggles of her own, from divorce, taking care of aging parents to handling the loss of loved ones -- all while parenting her young adult son who is now in college. She does all of this with such class and a smile.” -- Tonya Neumeister
Donna Anderson
“Donna works incredibly hard and always puts other's needs first. She maintains an incredible happy attitude even in the midst of the pressure she often finds herself under. Donna helps me remember how I should act.” – Scott Crandall
Elizabeth d'Autriche (Sissi)

“To start, the reality is a bit different from the films with Romy Schneider. She has been fighting to live the life she desired for her and her family, not following social/royal rules which had no sense for her and had been created so many years ago. She wanted to live close to the people and help them as much as she could, breaking the walls between the monarchy and the people. It inspires me as a manager, as a People leader, and as a human being (especially as a woman).” -- Hélène Pardessus
Faith Tibbits
“My wife inspires me by pushing through adversity and taking charge at her job. She is a newer employee and has performed leaps and bounds beyond what is asked of her. Her passion for what she does, and drive inspires me to push myself and be the best engineer I can be.” – Zach Tibbits
Indra Nooyi

“A woman with the courage to pursue her dreams, starting with higher education degrees in physics, chemistry and math; also including an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management. She was a woman raised in a traditional Indian setting but figured out how to bridge that life with one of significant responsibility for many in her spans of care all the way to leading globally at PepsiCo as Chairman and CEO. She remained humble and honored values I share by focusing on creating a culture driving to live "Performance with a Purpose". She is vulnerable in sharing her challenges as a mother, wife and daughter throughout her journey and acknowledging that her success is a shared success with many others that supported her (from leaders, team members, mentors and of course her family structure).” – Rachana Creeth
Johanna Gardner

“My daughter in law is a mom of 3 young children and is fighting breast cancer right now at age 37. She had chemo, surgery, now going through radiation and received the news more cancer has been found. Through it all she smiles. She inspires me to see every day as a blessing no matter the circumstances, to be brave and giving up is not an option.” – Claudia Whitt
Julia Galef

“Julia, a writer best known for "The Scout Mindset," has been my go-to resource for fostering meaningful internal and external debate. Her philosophy extends beyond mere rhetoric; Julia actively participates in the Effective Altruism philanthropy group ( and speaks and advocates for her ideas internationally. In other words, she walks the walk. I deeply respect her words, finding them both eloquent and weighty yet readily accessible. Her dedication to fostering a "meaning economy" (a topic worth exploring!) resonates strongly in this climate of resistance against those who challenge the status quo.” – Josh Meesey
Katelyn Padden

“Katelyn Padden is my daughter, and she has inspired me through her journey through high school and college where she graduated a year early from college Suma Cum Laude. Katelyn has strengthened herself with the challenges in high school and college and has brought these skills to her career where at age 21 obtained a position in the MN Governor’s office on the Covid response team, and then later promoted to his Public Engagement team. Katelyn has shown me with hard work and determination that you can obtain your goals in life and be successful in your career. Katelyn has shown me that with determination and hard work you can always excel in all aspects of life. I see my young daughter develop into a professional and respected women in her challenging public political career. This enforces that with determination anything is possible. With Kaytelyn getting involved in politics I see that the next generation will provide direction for our country and the world.” – Michael Padden
Kerry Easler

“I may be slightly biased, but my wife continues to inspire me to be a better person every single day. As a mom, she always puts her faith in God first, followed closely by her love of her family. Her unwavering devotion to helping others through a variety of ways, as well as maintaining a healthy work/life balance, amazes me.” – Larry Easler
Kristin McDonald Rivet

“She is a mother of 6 who has worked her whole life in public policy and spent much of it advocating for improved childcare, educational resources, vocational training, and sustainable wage jobs for families in her community. I worked as a volunteer on her successful campaign for Michigan State Senate in 2023. She is a strong leader and I continue to admire her care for her constituents (including me) and how she worked with a team of engaged young campaign professionals to win her race in a challenging district.” – Greg Wolf
Kristy Higgins

“My mom is one of the strongest people I know and her love for life motivates me to keep going every day. No matter what obstacles are thrown her way, she makes brave decisions and always makes sacrifices that put our family first. Whether she is working hard at work or caring for my grandparents, her selflessness and hospitality is inspiring. She is smart, creative, and she shows me how important it is to have fun and laugh more. My mom's spirit radiates warmth and love everywhere she goes and she always goes out of her way to make everyone in the room feel included. I try my best to mirror this quality because I'm inspired by the positive impact she has on her family, friends and even strangers. I'm so grateful for her love and for being a great role model in my life!” – Sarah Higgins
Margaret Guevara

“She is my oldest sister. She was diagnosed in 2023 with Stage 3 Breast Cancer and then a month later it spread to her lymph nodes. She had a partial mastectomy and removal of lymph nodes. This horrendous disease has overtaken her life but not her spirit. She is now undergoing chemo and radiation treatments. I admire her strength, faith and her sense of humor. She is so strong and optimistic. I am so thankful she is my sister and I'm very proud of her. She is my inspiration and MY HERO.” – Lisa Pineda
Maria Montessori

“I'm studying something about her pedagogic method as I'd like to be the best dad possible for my little daughter. I still get goosebumps when I think about what she did to improve conditions and education of children at her time.” – Alessandro Ruta
Maria Ressa

“The founder of Rappler, she has devoted (and risked) her life to ensuring a free press which she and I believe is the foundation of democratic society. Born in Manilla, she came to Princeton (a year behind me), she went back to the Philippines on a Fulbright and made her way into journalism. Intensely devoted to the truth, she criticized the Duterte regime and continued to publish the truth despite many periods of imprisonment. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 and wrote a great book How to Stand Up to a Dictator. I admire her strength and conviction to do what is right.” – Carol O’Neill
Mary Elizabeth Hoover

“Mary Elizabeth Hoover was my paternal grandmother. She had an 8th grade education but raised 6 children who graduated High School with some going to college to become teachers. All during the Great Depression and WWII. She gave our family strength, a love of learning and a faith that has gotten our family through some very difficult times.” – Gina Flanigan
Ruth Freyholtz

“Ruth is the mother and teacher of nine children with number ten due in September. Every day Ruth challenges me to the best version of myself by balancing out my driven personality with her focus on thoughtfulness and tranquility. She is living out her life how she always dreamed and positively impacting the lives of everyone she encounters. Since my first date with Ruth and now approaching our 20-year wedding anniversary, I know that she is helping me to become the person I want and need to be. I get the privilege of having her as my best friend.” – Andrew Freyholtz
Savannah Altman
“My wife is hardworking and very intelligent. She has helped me become a better person and keeps me grounded.” – Eric Hayworth
Susan Tyler

“My mother-in-law, Susan Tyler, is the perfect example of someone that inspires me. She inspires me to be a better mother, a better Christian, and a better person. She is a retired music, math, and science teacher. She currently substitutes part-time with our local Middle School in various subjects and is a full-time Gran to my daughter and my two nieces. In addition, she cares for 2 doggies that she rescued/adopted.” – Carrie Tyler
Sylvei Mjelde

“My Mom, born in Oslo, Norway as Sylvei Mjelde, is the woman who inspires me the most. She was very determined & strong throughout her life. Growing up in Norway during WWII when the Nazi's infiltrated her country and took control, she witnessed some atrocities which resulted in long-lasting memories. She came to California in her early 20's, met my dad and the rest is history with the family of 3 kids, lots of pets with a white picket fence in Newport Beach, California. She learned to speak English; worked fulltime for the City of Newport Beach for 20+ years. She struggled with numerous severe health issues but was always determined, a true overcomer and her Faith never wavered. She was a tiger when it came to her kids, protective & fierce. Always there as support - a rock. She has impacted my life as a role model to make me strong & independent; thoughtful & caring; compassionate & resilient; silly & serious; dedicated, honest and loyal. Tusen takk, Mor!” – Kristine Ward
Yaeko Cornett
“Yaeko was my mother, who was born and raised in Japan and came to the U.S. for the first time with an American husband and baby (me!). She navigated so many difficult situations in a new country that was not so friendly to her, like many other women. I admire her for her drive and tenacity, along with her kind spirit. Her 'push' for her two daughters to work hard in school and pursue a career impacts me to this day!” – Barbara Seale